Healthy Boundaries Starter Kit

Decrease overwhelm and reclaim your time, energy, and confidence by learning when and how to set boundaries in relationships and with yourself.

healthy boundaries coach

Ditch the obligation, guilt, & pressure to be everything to everyone, and start enjoying your life more.


This mini-course is for you if you:

Feel over-extended, overwhelmed, & under-appreciated

Know you need to focus on yourself, but it’s hard for you

Feel like you have to do what others expect of you all the time

Want to be able to say ‘No’ even in your close relationships

Tired of feeling angry & resentful when you go along to get along

Want to spend less time working and more time enjoying

Healthy Boundaries Starter Kit Includes

  • informational video

    You will receive a short teaching video on when & how to set healthy boundaries.

  • journal prompts

    You will receive a journal with self-reflection questions, so you can find clarity on the boundaries you need.

  • Practice Statements

    You will also receive sentence starters to practice your boundaries, so you have them when you need them.

This mini-course will help you:

Understand the difference between boundaries, requests, and demands.

Clarity on what boundaries you may need with yourself and/or with others.

Have a better understanding of how boundaries support healthy relationships

Learn how to set healthy boundaries

Get practice writing out your boundaries before you choose to set & hold onto them


What you’ll receive:

  • An email delivered to your inbox with a link to view a 12-minute, healthy boundaries masterclass video

  • An 8-page, PDF journal that you can print or open to view and read

  • In the journal, you will find Boundary Journal Prompts, Practice Statements, & Resources for additional support.

  • Discounts on future live events and/or discussion calls

find your voice

find your voice

Invest in Yourself

The Healthy Boundaries Starter Kit

will be delivered to your inbox.

Price: $15 (USD)